Friday, August 23, 2013

Ender's Game Excitement and More Boring Stuff

                    Let me start off by saying that Orson Scott Card is a genius. I'm reading Ender's Game and I'm completely enraptured. After I finish, all I need to do is get my hands on every single book he has ever written. I'm excited for the movie, but I know there's no way it can fully live up to my lofty expectations. First and foremost, the boy who is to play Ender (Asa Butterfield), who in the book is six years old, is sixteen. Geez. I guess he was younger during filming though. But I hear Card is co-producing. My faith has been restored just a little bit. He'll make sure it's not a complete bomb, right? Right?
                   Moving on to the more mundane things (A.K.A. my life), my family is getting a new dog tomorrow. A male German Shepherd. My mother wants him to be a family dog, yet a protection dog. She has these fantasies that we she will one day soon live in the Alaskan wilderness, hunting, skinning, and living in a cabin (or a tent, who knows), and off the land, with her trusty dog by her side. I ask her who she thinks will go there with her, and she cheerfully replies that all of us (my siblings and I) will, to which I scoff and tell her to have fun and that I'll be joining the military.
                   Bleh, I'm tired. I thought this would be a longer post, but I guess this is where I stop. Not like anyone will read this anyways, ha. : )


  1. hey! it's Coke from nano! I didn't know if you were on nano a whole lot anymore, I was gonna try to find you here :P not trying to stalk you I swear. just haven't talked to you in a while. :3

    1. Hi! Oh my goodness, wow, it has been awhile. Good to hear from you. Are you going to do NaNo this year?
