Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Shooting Stardust and Shouting Rather Quietly

                    A star that may just have been alien debris in the atmosphere has been shot and wished upon, plans to camp on a wildly uncivilized balcony have been proposed, and the night ended with some heavy reprimanding towards me. Lovely.
                    Wishes on stars do come true. Believe me. But they're like wishes from a genie. Always tainted, always have some kind of twist to them. What the twist will be this time, I'm dreading to find out. Last time, I wasn't able to go to a concert that I won a pair of tickets to. And it was to see my absolute favorite artist (who is actually tied with Lana del Rey): Lady Gaga. I repeat: LADY GAGA. It may not seem like a big deal to you. "So what? You missed a weird concert. Big deal". It was a big deal to me! Lady Gaga, I tell you! I digress, tonight's wish was much more serious than that, so hopefully it remains pristine and unchanged on it's way to the wish-granting faeries.
                   Let's face it, Summer is almost over (that was almost painful to type). Days of blissfully slumping on the couch, under the ceiling fan, and only venturing outside when the temperature is below one-hundred degrees Fahrenheit, otherwise your insides threaten to boil, are almost over. Well actually, no. Here in Texas, that all will go on for a few more months, but that happening while my friends aren't at school is about to come to an abrupt end. So in celebration (hey, we gotta try to make the best of it) my sister, best friend and I are going camping. On the balcony. Well that's the plan. We still have to ask permission, but those are just trivialities. Next on the list: End-of-the-Summer Fling! (Totes taken from this here article, where the fling is actually first on the list. Hmmm, priorities)
                   As for me getting scolded, I'd rather not talk about it. Let's just say I need to start acting more adult. And by that I mean talk to everyone with that fake adult I-really-Don't-Like-You-But-I'm-an-Adult-and-it's-More-Socially-Acceptable-to-Pretend-to-Like-Everyone voice. I really don't like people. (that may be an exaggeration)
                   And so, the night ended with a bang. The bang of me being an attitude and hate-filled teenager as I slammed the door to my bedroom. Not gonna sugarcoat it: I'm a brat.

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